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Terry LaValle
State Farm
516 NW 4th Ave, Grand Rapids, MN 55744-2548
Phone: 218-326-1261
Fax: 218-999-7045
Distance: 12.2 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Do you know when you should replace your #sunscreen? The 5 Ws of sunscreen can help you stay protected.
I\u2019m not just here if things go wrong with your car. I\u2019m here for car loans too. Let\u2019s talk about financing or refinancing your vehicles!.
Terrible weather. If you are getting damages - please call and report your claim to my office right away. I'm open 24\/7\/365.
First National Agency
About : Independent Insurance Agency
P O Box 158, Coleraine, MN 55722
Distance: 10.1 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Plenty of fun to be had this weekend in our community. Bisch Bash at Portage Park in Cohasset and Greenway Amateur Hockey Association\u2019s Annual Golf Fundraiser at Eagle Ridge in Coleraine. Both events going on this Saturday.
Plenty of fun to be had this weekend in our community. Bisch Bash at Portage Park in Cohasset and Greenway Amateur Hockey Association\u2019s Annual Golf Fundraiser at Eagle Ridge in Coleraine. Both events going on this Saturday.
This Saturday at Eagle Ridge Golf Course in Coleraine "The Lou Barle Memorial Golf Tournament" tees off at 10am. Come for the golf and stay for the scholarship presentation. Four well deserving graduates will earn a $1,000 scholarship to the post high school institution of their choice.