State Farm
About : Dave Klatts State Farm Insurance
Description : Vision and Alignment
Our mission is to become a lifelong partner with our customers by providing prompt, accurate, friendly and cost-effective service in every contact we make with them. Our agency will consist of multi line products with quality risks and be built on personal relationships.
106 S Broadway Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007-2544
Phone: 507-373-2377
Fax: 507-373-2378
Distance: 5.7 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Here\u2019s some great advice when you\u2019re ready to move out on your own. And don\u2019t forget the renters insurance. (I can help with that.).
I love the thrill of the ride. There\u2019s nothing like it! There\u2019s also nothing like the confidence of having great coverage. If you\u2019d like a motorcycle quote, give me a call.
Have you checked your downspouts lately? Spring is a great time to make sure they\u2019re properly connected.