State Farm
About : Call, click or stop in to find out why State Farm has been the #1 auto insurer in the US since 1942!
Description : My name is Paul LeTendre and I am the State Farm Insurance Agent for Morris and the surrounding area. My team of Lisa Melchert from Herman, Marilyn Sperr from Morris, and myself are licensed professionals that can provide you with financial services and insurance policies you can count on and trust.
714 Atlantic Ave Ste 6, Morris, MN 56267-1191
Phone: 320-589-2323
Fax: 320-589-0084
Distance: 19.8 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Halloween\u2019s the #1 day of the year for vehicle vandalism. Don\u2019t let your ride get tricked this Halloween. Park in a safe spot, remove any valuables and lock your doors.
Reminder that our office will be closed on Monday in honor of Labor Day. Enjoy the long weekend!!.
Come visit me at the park tonight!.