State Farm
About : Dave Klatts State Farm Insurance
Description : Vision and Alignment
Our mission is to become a lifelong partner with our customers by providing prompt, accurate, friendly and cost-effective service in every contact we make with them. Our agency will consist of multi line products with quality risks and be built on personal relationships.
106 S Broadway Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007-2544
Phone: 507-373-2377
Fax: 507-373-2378
Distance: 6.8 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
Halloween is the #1 time of year for vandalized vehicles. Know the tricks to keeping yours protected.
If you like playing in the cold, please stay safe out there! 1) Bundle up. 2) Hit the slopes with a partner. 3) Stay on ice at least 6” thick. 4) Ride on designated snowmobile trails.
Buying your first car is a pretty awesome feeling, and you should feel just as good about the loan you get for it. I\u2019d be happy to tell you about State Farm Bank vehicle loans.