About : E&O liability insurance for real estate appraisers. Price has been serving appraisers across the country for 30 years. Competitive pricing - great service.
Description : Real Estate Appraisers E & O (Professional Liability) offered through J. A. Price Agency. Competitive pricing, broad coverage, professional customer service, backed by almost 30 years of serving appraisers, country-wide.
6640 Shady Oak Road #500 Eden Prairie, Eden Prairie, MN 55344
Distance: 45.2 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
At the Appraisal Summit this week... 300 attendees in Las Vegas.
Navigators Insurance Companys standard appraisal firm policy includes coverage for "Security Incidents". Now that virtually all states require notification of clients following a data breach, its time appraisers consider this exposure.
Have any of your clients been asking for premises liability? Lexington now includes that coverage, FREE.Their policy is very broad and their pricing is great... Give us a call.