State Farm
About : Im here to help you with all of your car, home, life, and business insurance needs. If you have questions about anything insurance related let me know and Ill do my best to help you out. My goal is to make insurance easy for you!
Description : Located downtown Minneapolis in the Campbell Mithun tower, we are a full service insurance agency that can help you and your family with your car insurance, home insurance, life insurance, health insurance, and business insurance.
222 S 9th St Ste 270, Minneapolis, MN 55402-3344
Phone: 612-843-8444
Fax: 612-843-8440
Distance: 45.3 Miles
Recent Facebook Posts:
I love April showers, but not flooded basements. Setting up a few water sensors helps you stay alert as you work to keep your basement dry.
I hope everyone had a fun Halloween weekend! What was your favorite costume that you saw this year?.
Its National Teen Driver Safety Week- a week to focus on improving the driving habits of new and young drivers. Make sure you are taking to your teens about ways to stay safe on the roads!
Follow this link for more information on Teen Driver Safety Week.